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DD214 Express Service[DD214]   $89.00

by Dixie Booher (William Syzemore) Date Added: Wednesday 20 February, 2013
I felt like I had to give a review on my transaction with Touchstone Research. I had no idea I could get my son's papers until I stumbled across this website. I immediately ordered them and waited, and waited, and waited, until my nerves were shot. I angrily fired off emails and got an answer. It seems like I thought too much time had gone by because I was so anxious. I realized it had just barely been the amount of time I was told in the beginning.

I am quite satisfied with the results of my transaction, and would recommend Touchstone to others.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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DD214 Express Service
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