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DD214 Express Service[DD214]   $89.00

by Charles Ericson Date Added: Friday 15 February, 2013
Your service was very professional and done in a timely manner. Even though I was very pleased with your service, I still feel that it is overpriced. When you have someone over a barrel, it is easy to gouge.

By the way, you sent me two complete sets of my DD-214. One came about a week after the first one. I am hoping that you did not charge my credit card twice.

Charles Ericson

[Hello Charles, we sometimes assign a case to two researchers at different facilities simultaneously, and sometimes both will retrieve the record. There is no extra charge for this service. Very often, you do get what you pay for. - Touchstone]

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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DD214 Express Service
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