1(800)283-3214 / 800-At-DD214

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DD214 Express Service[DD214]   $89.00

by Odell Hobson Date Added: Thursday 13 December, 2012
This service is amazing. Thank you. I'm not sure why official channels didnt work out in the past. I have sent requests to the National records organization twice each with 2 month waiting period for rejection. The would say that I am not deceased so I was not entitled to the recored. I did not understand that at all but you guys were so fast and so awesome. I have missed opportunities for DOD positions because they would not send the copy so you can imagine how happy I am right now. THANK YOU! and feel free to quote any of my words for your own advertisement.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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DD214 Express Service
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