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DD214 & Veterans ID Card
DD214 & Veterans ID Card
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The Improved VetRecs Card is Now Available!

Get both your DD214 and Veterans ID Card Combo!

NOTE: The VetRecs Card is for U.S. Military Veterans only. If you are not a veteran, you do not have a *real* DD-214, and therefore you cannot and will not be able to use a VetRecs Card in order to obtain military benefits or otherwise prove your military service. We issue Vet Recs Cards only to those veterans who were honorably discharged as indicated on their DD214, and to those veterans who were issued a General Discharge; we will issue a Vet Recs Card for OTH and ELS but it will only parallel a Deleted DD214 with no characterization of service indicated.

Some companies and services will provide a “veteran” card to anyone! The VetRecs Card is the only true, secure, third-party verified card for veterans to prove their actual service.

Think of the VetRecs Card as the legal equivalent of your certified DD-214 in your wallet. The information on the face of the card is pulled directly off your DD-214, the DD214 WE get directly from the government for you (or related official military separation documents).

We cannot accept a copy of your DD214 from you, to preserve the integrity of our card. Unfortunately, forgeries abound. We accept DD214s only from the Government itself. You'll have to provide us with the legal authority to access your records, a form you'll complete when you place your order. After we receive your record from the Government, we'll process your card, provide you with two (2) certified hardcopies of your DD214, and a digitally signed PDF copy (for authenticity) which you can download from our secure server.

Finally, anyone with a smart phone can verify that a VetRecs Card is authentic, simply by scanning the QR code on the reverse of the card (try it yourself, below). This ID validation technology is not available to veterans through any other company. A digitally signed and verified copy of your DD-214 can also be quickly accessed and downloaded from your Touchstone account.

Some benefits of the new VetRecs Card include:

  • Verified and information guaranteed to $25,000; other cards are issued to anyone, ANYONE! if you simply pay a fee, become a "member" or buy a "subscription." VetRecs cards are issued only to verified veterans.
  • These cards are issued by a trusted third-party independent verifier Touchstone Research who has been providing veterans their records for over a decade!
  • Your VetRecs card can be validated with a QR barcode reader on any smartphone with your entry of your Personal Identification Code; this unique validation technology is not available anywhere else.
  • Photo or non-photo VetRecs Cards are available and can be ordered separately for your next-of-kin: your spouse, surviving spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandson and granddaughter - with their photo and relationship to the veteran indicated on their VetRecs Card.*

*Touchstone only guarantees the veteran's service data. Photo and relationship to the veteran will have to be independently established.
  • Much of the information on your DD214 shouldn't be made available to anyone in order for you to simply qualify for a discount. You can always download your digitally signed DD214 and keep a copy on your computer and/or smartphone, if you must provide a copy. But, otherwise, you can prove you're a veteran without having to release private information.
  • A VetRecs card is simply more convenient than having to carry your DD214 around with you.
  • If lost, the VetRecs Card is not usable by anyone else since it requires a Personal Identification Code to verify through CardValid.com. You can change the PIC at anytime through your Touchstone account. Multiple cards are available to family members, too. Their entry of the correct PIC substantiates that they are valid users (they may have to prove their family relationship separately).

Try It Now, for Free!

If you have a smartphone, most smartphone's cameras will recognize a QR code. If not, download and install a QR barcode scanner app from your Android or Apple Store. NeoReader or QR Barcode Scanner both work well, and are free.

To see how it works, let's use Elvis Presley's VetRecs Card.

1. Scan the QR Code with your smartphone.

2. Click on the link which will take you to CardValid.com.

3. Enter Elvis' PIC: E1v15.

4. Then compare the card shown to the card in-hand.

More and more agencies which provide veterans with benefits and/or preference, including discounts, in order to establish eligibility will require some form of a certified DD-214 or separation document. From schools to VA hospitals to prospective employers, you simply need to take your VetRecs CardTM out of your wallet, have it scanned for validity. And if your actual DD214 is required, you can either keep your digitally signed DD214 on your smartphone, or download it from Touchstone's secure server.

Keep your DD-214 and identity safe while proving your service easily and efficiently!

VetRecs CardTM includes our retrieval of your DD214 (our Guided Service, government processing, a $20 value alone), a digitally signed download copy, two (2) certified hardcopies, presentation folder, and one (1) VetRecs CardTM for your most recent branch of service (unless otherwise specified, one branch if you served in multiple branches). Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. OR order with our Express Service for same day to one week delivery and receive your VetRecs CardTM at 50% Off!. (Discount is applied at Checkout.)

How to Order

  1. Click the Add to Cart button below, Checkout and then create your account.
  2. You'll be given several shipping options. Select your shipping method of choice.
  3. Finally, after you've paid and completed your order, there will be a download link to a form at your Order Page. The form provides us with your personal information, your military history, and most importantly your signature. Your records are protected by the Privacy Act and the law requires that we have your written authorization in order to allow us to access your records. Log Into your account and download the PDF form from there. OR, you can access the DD214 Request Form in either HTML (here) OR PDF (here) formats OR submit electronically (no fax required!) through our eSign Form (here). Follow the form's simple instructions: complete the form, sign it and send it back to us ASAP so that we’ll have the necessary information and your authorization to commence our search for your DD214. We cannot begin until we have a copy of your signed authorization in-hand. This form MUST be signed by you so that we can act as your agent and on your behalf in regard to our search.

Questions? Or order by phone!

We encourage you to read our FAQ (Click HERE) for any questions or concerns.
    The simplest and easiest way to obtain your DD214 is to order it here, online 24/7. But if you still have any questions or concerns ... you can access our on-line chat by clicking the chat button at left. Or call us toll-free: 800-At DD214 (800-283-3214).
Our call center hours are M-F 08:30am to 11:00pm hours Eastern time, but is closed federal holidays. Our back-office operations are working 24/7 to move your order forward. The earlier you place your order, the sooner we will retrieve your documents.

Available Options:
Extended Download Service:
Current Reviews: 123
This product was added to our catalog on Friday 30 June, 2017.
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Discounts will be applied at Checkout.
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